

This page contains only content that has the tag project.

This works thanks to this code:

<FeedItems filterByTags={['project']} />

More about the FeedItems component in the docs: gatsby-theme-chronoblog#feeditems-component

This is convenient for creating pages with your works, portfolio, collecting articles of a certain subject in one place, etc.

If you do not need an extra page, just remove it from src/pages/, and remove link to this page from the main menu: src/gatsby-theme-chronoblog/site-header.mdx.

More about the additional site pages in the docs: gatsby-theme-chronoblog#pages

Projects (any content with the "project" tag):

🔗 Link to Chronoblog Theme repo


November 12, 2019

Link card is a card, when clicked, the user goes to the specified link.

Use it to refer to your articles on other resources, to your new works (wherever they are posted: Github, Dribbble or anything else), to the certificates you received, and in general, to whatever is more convenient give a link.

November 2, 2019

Note card - the type of content that is fully displayed in the feed of the site - it is suitable for short notes (like this one), videos, podcasts, slides, etc.

Since this is markdown - here you can do everything that allows you to do this format.

See below for examples of how you can use notes.



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